Was reading an article. It says that 99.99999999% of all ordinary matter is empty space and that if you took out all of that empty space from our atoms, the entire existence of humanity (all 7,000,000,000 people) would fit into the volume of a sugar cube. The article states, The size of an atom is governed by the average location of its electrons: how much space there is between the nucleus and the atom’s amorphous outer shell. So when you think about how significant we are to the planet, the large cities that we have built, the inventions we have created and made possible, the life-altering technology that has been developed, happened by something so tiny to comprehend. We appear large, massive entities, some occupying more of that realm of "substance" than others, but still in the grand scheme of things...very tiny indeed.
For more information about this concept, check out the article here: https://www.sciencealert.com/99-9999999-of-your-body-is-empty-space?fbclid=IwAR2UtvR3EzDQvEkvzbHDl32QgEeG4UL4lhGC12PC8uKXGmhWqCBncH-RjDA
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