Reflection on the Class
Class Syllabus
Reflection on the Class:
The Capstone class really brought together everything that has been learned throughout the Master’s program at Penn State. Updating and maintaining the e-portfolio has been one of the most rewarding ways to reflect upon the learning that has happened in the program and provide those opportunities for reflective practice in the work that we do in student affairs.
The final reflection on the program and connecting the outcomes of the program to each class has really brought about a depth to the benefit of the program from what was originally thought.
Finally, being able to create a presentation on Title IX, gave me the opportunity to utilize what I had learned from the program of research and taking information on a trend or issue in the field, analyzing the information, synthesizing the information and presenting in a logical manner for others to read and understand.
When I first started the program I was hesitant about the end result, now that I am standing at the end, I can say that the program overall has been beneficial in providing me with the knowledge to think critically about important trends and topics in higher education, given me the ability to confidently talk about these trends, synthesize data and research on these trends and present the findings of these trends.
The Capstone class really brought together everything that has been learned throughout the Master’s program at Penn State. Updating and maintaining the e-portfolio has been one of the most rewarding ways to reflect upon the learning that has happened in the program and provide those opportunities for reflective practice in the work that we do in student affairs.
The final reflection on the program and connecting the outcomes of the program to each class has really brought about a depth to the benefit of the program from what was originally thought.
Finally, being able to create a presentation on Title IX, gave me the opportunity to utilize what I had learned from the program of research and taking information on a trend or issue in the field, analyzing the information, synthesizing the information and presenting in a logical manner for others to read and understand.
When I first started the program I was hesitant about the end result, now that I am standing at the end, I can say that the program overall has been beneficial in providing me with the knowledge to think critically about important trends and topics in higher education, given me the ability to confidently talk about these trends, synthesize data and research on these trends and present the findings of these trends.